We are an undeniably goal-oriented world. Of course, it is perfectly normal to measure our successes by the fulfillment of our goals. However, when our goals forget to incorporate the vicissitudes of reality, we have somewhat of a problem.
Goal for 2015: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by halving the proportion of people whose income is under one dollar a day and still suffer from hunger.
This is no doubt an altruistic goal that relies on the integration and communication of a global network of infrastructures and healthcare systems. But just like every other of its Millennium Development Goal kind, it seems ambitious, especially when 80% of the Earth’s population lives on less than ten dollars per day and 28% of children in developing countries suffer from being underweight or stunted in growth (World Bank Development Indicators 2008).
But even reducing the economic “gap” largely relies on the health and well being of a population, further affirming the role of Public Health issue-resolutions in any circumstance. And while the monetary disparities between socioeconomic groups have decreased due to fiscal growth in developing countries, the same cannot be said for the number of people who are undernourished.
In fact, the Millennium Development’s target for halving the hunger-stricken population may not even be achieved due to very slow progress in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia for addressing underweighted children, a key indicator of program efficacy. In India alone, over 60 million children are underweight (World Bank). Between 1992 and 1998, the rates have decreased in India, yet the current interventions have been unsuccessful in dramatic changes; in some rural Indian populations, the number of undernutritioned children remains the same as it was in 1992 – in other words stagnant (Millennium Development Goals Report 2007). It seems as though India’s economic growth has had meager effects in its Public Health prowess.
But why is undernutrition such a large Public Health issue? Undernutrituion is a facet of malnourishment, which encompasses not eating enough, not eating the nutritionally effective types of food, or simply not being able to use food resources that are available. Undernutrition particularly is characterized protein and micronutrient deficiencies, attributable to low levels of food consumption. Without adequate energy and vitamins, both mental and physical development can be stunted. This in turn can compromise a child’s immune system, making them susceptible to contracting other infectious diseases, especially when the environment of a developing country houses several.
In 1998, 47% of children under the age of three were suffering from being underweight, and while this has decreased to a certain extent, malnutrition has contributed to other problems like iron deficiency anemia (75% of preschoolers) and Vitamin A deficiency (57% of preschoolers) (World Bank 2005). The implications for undernutrition in India are obvious.
India child-weight distribution curve (below) exemplifies this Public Health problem.
Yet, the questions still persist: What can be done?
With planned interventions and preventative methods in India and other countries with similar health issues, Public Health may be able to reach the looming 2015 deadline. International Health seems to be overwhelmingly important, as we become more dependent on globalization. And in the interest of pursuing how we all can be contribute to undernutrition and other international health problems, I am ready to set some goals.
Well done Kavya. You have undertaken a collosal and difficult, but relevant and interesting issue as your topic. I look forward to hearing how you think we can address this problem, given difficult international politics and more recent focus on global economy at the expense of global health. You and I know they are linked inextricably, but that seems to be lost on a number of world leaders. Good start!